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How to Contribute

Welcome to the Ultralytics contribution guide! We're excited to have you join our community of developers and researchers working to advance AI technology. This guide will help you understand how to contribute effectively to our projects.

Our Development Team

Our open-source projects are maintained by a dedicated team of developers. Feel free to reach out to team members for guidance:

Employee Name GitHub Profile
Abdelrahman Elgendy AbdelrahmanEL-gendy
Abrish Sabri asabri97
Abirami Vina abirami-vina
Alexis Barou LexBarou
Alexis Schutzger picsalex
Amir Roshanaei bitcodr
Burhan Qaddoumi Burhan-Q
Enrika Vyšniauskaitė Enrikaa
Fatih Akyon fcakyon
Francesco Mattioli ambitious-octopus
Giovanni DZ ggg-dz-ultralytics
Glenn Jocher glenn-jocher
Hannah Streif HannahStreif
Hans van de Broek barnahans
Ivor Zhu IvorZhu331
Jake Qian fengqianjake
Jing Qiu Laughing-q
Joey Tjon NoCodeJoey
Jordan Cooper JCoops1
Jose Bondi joseUltra
Kirill Viarbitski Kverbitski
Lakshantha Dissanayake lakshanthad
Marius Keiser Skillnoob
Mohammed Yasin Y-T-G
Muhammad Rizwan Munawar RizwanMunawar
Nathan Yan CodCodingCode
Nicolai Nielsen niconielsen32
Nuvola Ladi NLadi
Olga Krupskaia Krupskaya
Pablo Karnbaum pablokarnbaum
Paula Derrenger pderrenger
Sergiu Waxmann sergiuwaxmann
Tasha Anthony recruiter2002
Thomas Chuang chuang091
William Beaven william-beaven
Yogendra Singh yogendrasinghx
Tigran Hakobyan tthakz

Contribution Guidelines

For detailed contribution guidelines, please visit our official documentation. Here's a quick overview of the process:

  1. Fork the repository you want to contribute to
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or fix
  3. Follow our coding standards and documentation requirements
  4. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes
  5. Engage with reviewers and address any feedback

Get Involved

There are many ways to contribute to Ultralytics:

  • Code contributions via pull requests
  • Documentation improvements
  • Bug reports and feature requests
  • Community support and discussions
  • Testing and feedback on new features

We welcome contributions from developers of all experience levels. If you're new to open source, our team members are here to help guide you through your first contribution.

Questions and Support

If you have questions about contributing, you can:

  • Open an issue on GitHub
  • Join our community discussions
  • Reach out to team members listed above
  • Check our documentation for guides and tutorials

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Ultralytics! Together, we're building the future of AI technology.

📅 Created 5 months ago ✏️ Updated 1 month ago